Patagonia - Chile
February 1 - 17, 2008

Lakes of Patagonia - Submitted by Pat
February 2 - 8, 2008

Days 1 and 2 - Travel Days
Day 3 - A small farm near the Parque Nacional Laguna San Rafael
Day 4 - Lago Leon
Day 5 - Peninsula Camp
Day 6 - Lago Fiero Camp
Day 7 - Lago Cachorro Camp
Day 8 - Lago Cachorro Camp
Day 9 - Lago Cachorro to Coyhaique
Day 10 - Balmaceda to Puerto Montt to the Futaleufu

Rafting the Futaleufu Trip Reports - Submitted by Pat

Lakes of Patagonia

This was a rugged and challenging expedition into the wilds of Patagonia where almost no man had gone before. The scenery was spectacular and dramatic -- turquoise lakes meeting blue glaciers, rushing white water rivers and waterfalls running down cliffs and into the lakes, all surrounded by snow-capped mountains. But getting around this landscape was no easy matter, required paddling 2-person sea kayaks for hours, often into the wind, or bushwhacking for hours through pricker bushes, shoulder high vegetation, hopping over huge boulders and negotiating moving rocks and sliding scree, going straight up or straight down. Our tents and sleeping bags were welcome sights at night, providing a modicum of desperately needed rest so we could do it again the next day. This trip required all our strength and endurance. We were thankful we had each other.